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Wednesday, 2 March 2016

How To Store Photos And Videos In Google Account

This is a "Tutorial on How to store Videos and Images in your Google Account".
This is a very good option to keep your gallery(photos and videos) safe. 
Camera in Smartphones and handsets makes everyone a photographer. Since the handsets have good quality cameras but the size of the images are too high. Due to this everyone are facing shortages of drive space. Online cloud storage to back up and Store photos and videos so that there arise a problem of limited space.

Google Account_Dsportstech

Now, Google Photos has been in the field, it can solve your entire related problem. Google’s new service through excellent now you can store photos and videos in your Google account from desktop or Smartphone Where space is no prison, but all these will be limited space available.

1. To Upload / Store photos and videos go to the following link:
Upload Google Photos

2. After installating you will have to log in with your Google ID. If you have activated the two Step verification its support also exist.

3. There will be in option store photos and videos. Here cameras and storage cards, Desktop and My Pictures folders are selected in advance these photos be uploaded automatically. If you wish you can add to check out the folder of your choice by clicking the Add button.

4. After that the Turn of photo size, Here you can select High quality and can get free unlimited storage. Yet it is to keep in mind that the image must be 16 mega pixels Otherwise they would not backup. Also the size of videos should be no more than 1080 pixels.

Obviously hardly anyone is affected by the ban, because the best quality cameras we have take the same picture and make videos in this range and limit. But nothing to worry but if you prefer you can also configures to compress the large size of pictures.

Note:- In order to back up / Store photos and videos, Google Photos’ above there is hardly anyone application or program.

Before then, one drive, also tried the existing photos in the phone quickly add up but in the ‘Google Photos’ features such as missing. Google Photos Android devices, iPhone and iPad and namely three major desktop platforms are available for free.

Always remember to backup your photos and videos in case your phone get lost.


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