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Sunday, 28 February 2016

Tutorial: How To Tweak Imei for your Android Devices

Here is a Tutorial for you all on "How to tweak Imei for your android" 
Tweaking is a process of changing the imei number of your phone 
IMEI means International Mobile-Station Equipment Identity. 
IMEI is a code written at the back of every PHONE or DEVICE or MODERM 

Every mobile phone and modem have a unique 15-digit Imei Number, It's just like finger prints of a phone. No two phones have the same Imei Number, but phones of the same brand usually having the same starting sequence.

How To Change The Imei Number
First of all, we need to install two apps, which are; 
• Imei Analyser: To Install or Download, Click Here
• MTK engineering mode: To Install or Download, Click Here

Now lets start with the imei analyser.

The imei is a very delicate number so you can't just randomly generate numbers and tweak them you have to analyse it first. 
This is how we do that;
Let's use the infinix hot note for example. 
First we get the identifying number of the phone we want to change to. 
"358429063" the first nine digits of an imei number are the legit numbers the rest can be tweaked but do not change the first nine digits. 
After getting the first nine, you randomly add any 5 numbers.
So we have 14 digits now. "35842906312345" remaining one more number. 
This last number is called the "check digit" so it cannot be randomly added. 
If you do, you'll end up having a bogus imei number that doesn't work. 

Now this is when the Imei Analyser will be needed. 
Open your Imei Analyser and input the 14 numbers we have gotten into the box provided. And click analyse. 

It will analyze it and give you the complete imei number including the check digit. 

Imei Analyser

write it downAfter you have gotten the full imei, close imei Analyser and open MTK engineering mode. 

Opening MTK engineering Mode
click on MTK Setting
Then, swipe your screen to the left to view more options. 
Then select CDS Information

cds information_Dsportstech

Select radio information.

Radio Information_Dsportstech

Then select phone 1 if you want to change the imei for SIM1 
or phone 2 for sim 2
press E on your keypad it will drop down some options, for sim 1 select AT+EGMR =1,7,""
For sim 2 AT+EGMR=1,10,"" 

sim1 and sim2

After that put the new imei between the "" like this AT+EGMR=1,7,"358429063123457" 
Then put a space in between AT and + so it appears like this AT+EGMR=1,7, "358429063123457"

Imei input As_Dsportstech

then press send AT command. 
A message should pop up saying "At command is msent". 

After that toggle your phones's airplane mode on then off. 
Your imei should have changed *#06# to check. 

Note: Copy your phones original imei before changing or Tweaking

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